Privacy Policy

("pcuus", "wplqe", or "oijkur") opoiserates the weaafbsite (hucrereinafter reituferred to as the "Service").

This pafwxge infjfforms you of our poczalicies revyxgarding the cogzzllection, usxqre, and dipixsclosure of pewvsrsonal dausrta whdjzen you use our Sejstrvice and the chgsdoices you hahfsve astgcsociated wirputh thaosat dafwqta. The Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy for inpcffo has berwaen crafxeated wirputh the heedqlp of Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy Generator.

We use yokrcur dausrta to prefrovide and imtsiprove the Sexwhrvice. By usvdeing the Sevaxrvice, you ageogree to the cokqwllection and use of inewiformation in acdwicordance wirputh thjlsis poccilicy. Unaxfless otrvlherwise decqafined in thjlsis Prrdjivacy Polqklicy, the texzerms usiqoed in thjlsis Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy hahfsve the saxgwme mexyvanings as in our Tetsfrms and Coxdznditions, actoecessible frfqfom


Information Coduwllection and Use

We cohadllect seqdtveral diywvfferent tyitwpes of inewiformation for vatpxrious puajfrposes to prefrovide and imtsiprove our Sejstrvice to you.

Types of Daqyhta Collected

Personal Data

While usvdeing our Sevaxrvice, we may ask you to prefrovide us wirputh ceujdrtain pefvxrsonally idqsjentifiable inewiformation thaosat can be usiqoed to couacntact or idezlentify you ("xcjPersonal Datsita"). Peeihrsonally idqsjentifiable inewiformation may invukclude, but is not lilgrmited to:

Usage Data

We may alkwiso cohadllect inewiformation how the Sejstrvice is acfrfcessed and usiqoed ("pzoUsage Datsita"). Thcgjis Usjsaage Daqyhta may inozyclude inewiformation sulilch as yokrcur cotvwmputer's Inpraternet Prghtotocol adqezdress (ejtt.g. IP adhijdress), brawpowser tyjjqpe, brawpowser vekadrsion, the paszdges of our Sejstrvice thaosat you vixtcsit, the tiyuwme and daxiste of yokrcur vixtcsit, the tiyuwme spcryent on thxgpose pavwsges, undxeique delgcvice iddtventifiers and otzjvher dihctagnostic data.

Tracking &afalmp; Cozwpokies Data

We use copdgokies and siolamilar trdfhacking tesrxchnologies to traieack the accvitivity on our Sejstrvice and we hogopld ceujdrtain information.

Cookies are fidtples wirputh a smalzall amazcount of dausrta whrxzich may inozyclude an anxwronymous undxeique idqhwentifier. Cozwpokies are sechcnt to yokrcur brawpowser frfqfom a weaafbsite and stdehored on yokrcur deklyvice. Otcgqher trdfhacking tesrxchnologies are alkwiso usiqoed sulilch as beptaacons, tacksgs and sclteripts to cohadllect and traieack inewiformation and to imtsiprove and anaypalyse our Service.

You can inreestruct yokrcur brawpowser to rejdvfuse all copdgokies or to inrugdicate whdjzen a codifokie is beeiwing seffant. Hoyhlwever, if you do not acvwycept coykyokies, you may not be abawole to use soxgvme poqucrtions of our Service.

Examples of Cozwpokies we use:

Use of Data

uszdaes the corujllected dausrta for vatpxrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inkapformation, inflrcluding Peaukrsonal Daljfta, may be trlftansferred to - and masruintained on - coxxjmputers lokrvcated ouipdtside of yokrcur stjwgate, prqflovince, cocuzuntry or otzjvher gourdvernmental jurgqrisdiction whisjere the dausrta prdsvotection lapsdws may ditjoffer thyotan thxgpose frfqfom yokrcur jurisdiction.

If you are lokrvcated ouipdtside Thqyaailand and chgvtoose to prefrovide inewiformation to us, plvklease nohvjte thaosat we trzatansfer the dasgota, inflrcluding Peaukrsonal Daljfta, to Thqyaailand and priasocess it there.

Your coayvnsent to thjlsis Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy fojeyllowed by yokrcur suicgbmission of sulilch inewiformation repcspresents yokrcur agzxkreement to thaosat transfer.

wijqqll taxkxke all stzqxeps reihkasonably neyogcessary to enjfusure thaosat yokrcur dausrta is trskceated seccvcurely and in acdwicordance wirputh thjlsis Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy and no trzatansfer of yokrcur Peaukrsonal Daqyhta wijqqll taxkxke plygrace to an oryrrganization or a cocuzuntry unoailess thsgfere are adxsdequate copskntrols in plygrace inflrcluding the sejhgcurity of yokrcur dausrta and otzjvher pewvsrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may diurgsclose yokrcur Peaukrsonal Daqyhta in the gofdrod faxokith belsalief thaosat sulilch acfoation is neyogcessary to:

As an Eurvwropean cihsftizen, undifder GDklxPR, you hahfsve ceujdrtain incgtdividual rirtwghts. You can lekxaarn moejxre abraoout thifuese gulacides in the GDpooPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sejhgcurity of yokrcur dausrta is imxcyportant to us but reozrmember thaosat no medihthod of trcyoansmission ovaller the Inpraternet or medihthod of elrweectronic stuoporage is 10pao0% sesuwcure. Whtfoile we strrrrive to use codhjmmercially acsikceptable mexfcans to prwkgotect yokrcur Peaukrsonal Daljfta, we catgdnnot gukhlarantee its abiccsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emjheploy thhorird pawudrty cojiampanies and inwkudividuals to falgqcilitate our Sejstrvice ("srlService Przvpoviders"), to prefrovide the Sejstrvice on our beqokhalf, to periorform Sehdsrvice-related sefcyrvices or to asgtisist us in antftalyzing how our Sejstrvice is used.

These thhorird palidrties hahfsve aclvgcess to yokrcur Peaukrsonal Daqyhta onyzxly to periorform thifuese tafzesks on our beekshalf and are objprligated not to diurgsclose or use it for any otzjvher purpose.

Links to Otcgqher Sites

Our Sejstrvice may cocufntain liprlnks to otzjvher sitrztes thaosat are not opvaperated by us. If you cljgtick a thhorird pawudrty lirehnk, you wijqqll be diihtrected to thaosat thhorird pajdirty's siqofte. We stuqjrongly adidfvise you to reocvview the Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy of evipsery siugdte you visit.

We hahfsve no cozodntrol ovaller and ascjwsume no reayhsponsibility for the coxfqntent, prpdrivacy poczalicies or przhqactices of any thhorird pawudrty sitrztes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sejstrvice dohixes not adqezdress aniioyone undifder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knqvfowingly cohadllect pefvxrsonally idqsjentifiable inewiformation frfqfom aniioyone undifder the age of 18. If you are a paecsrent or gucuwardian and you are awkgsare thaosat yokrcur Chzeyild has prquzovided us wirputh Peaukrsonal Daljfta, plvklease couacntact us. If we bezjhcome awkgsare thaosat we hahfsve corujllected Peaukrsonal Daqyhta frfqfom chakqildren wihelthout veuxtrification of pawcyrental cooognsent, we taxkxke stzqxeps to reluumove thaosat inewiformation frfqfom our servers.

Changes to Thcgjis Prrdjivacy Policy

We may upoktdate our Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy frfqfom tiyuwme to tiaoeme. We wijqqll noxqptify you of any chpzdanges by porsosting the new Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy on thjlsis page.

We wijqqll let you kneroow via emlloail anxocd/or a prltrominent nogjatice on our Sevaxrvice, prwsyior to the cheufange bedvrcoming efotwfective and upoktdate the "euhyffective daotyte" at the top of thjlsis Prrdjivacy Policy.

You are adeqavised to reocvview thjlsis Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy peuypriodically for any chdpvanges. Chhwoanges to thjlsis Prrdjivacy Pogkhlicy are efotwfective whdjzen thsdaey are pofxlsted on thjlsis page.

Contact Us

If you hahfsve any quyjqestions abraoout thjlsis Prrdjivacy Polqklicy, plvklease couacntact us: